Coastal Modelling

Portland Coastal Processes and Foreshore Management Strategy, Victoria


The foreshores to the east of the Port of Portland have been experiencing substantial erosion problems since the port breakwater was lengthen many years ago.  The shoreline has receded several hundreds of metres and significant coastal property and infrastructure has been lost.

A comprehensive understanding of the coastal processes operating […]

The Strand Foreshore Redevelopment, Townsville


This benchmark beach nourishment project involved upgrading 2km of significantly degrading shoreline and seawalls along The Strand foreshore in Townsville to incorporate beaches and headlands – the aim being to provide foreshore protection against cyclone induced beach recession, while at the same time providing a high quality community asset.

Coastal […]

Snapper Point & Christies Beach – Climate Change Impacts


Coastal Engineering Solutions was commissioned by the City of Onkaparinga in South Australia to undertake these two important studies of local foreshores.

The objectives of the Christies Beach project were to conduct a review of the local coastal reach, and considered the following key issues:

• Climate change projections for 2030, […]

Coastal Processes Study of Adelaide’s Metropolitan Beaches, South Australia


Adelaide’s Living Beaches Strategy has been developed by the Coastal Protection Branch of the South Australian Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources. It is the future management strategy for all of Adelaide’s metropolitan beaches.

Coastal Engineering Solutions was commissioned by the Coastal Protection Branch of the (then) Department for […]

Shoreline Erosion Management Plan (SEMP) Nelly Bay, Magnetic Island, Queensland

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Nelly Bay is located on the south-eastern shores of Magnetic Island, some 8kms offshore of Townsville – the largest city in North Queensland.

Townsville City Council commissioned Coastal Engineering Solutions to prepare a Shoreline Erosion Management Plan for the area.

The prevailing coastal processes in Nelly Bay result in a north-to-south […]

Shoreline Erosion Management Plan (SEMP) Rowes Bay / Pallarenda, Townsville, Queensland

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The foreshores of Rowes Bay and Pallarenda offer a rich diversity of seascapes and landscapes – providing extensive recreational and lifestyle opportunities in North Queensland that are considerably enhanced by local cultural, heritage and environmental values. However the dynamic nature of the coastal environment means that some local reaches […]